Research at CryptoExperts is Unique


CryptoExperts' Research Team

Our research group is mostly constituted of industrial experts holding a PhD in cryptography, and maintains a word-class expertise that simultaneously covers theoretical and practical aspects of cryptographic systems.

  • Publications: 301
  • Best papers awards: 9
  • Program chairs: 6 times
  • Program committees: 100 times

Collaborative Projects

CryptoExperts is a research group of well-recognized experts in cryptography and is connected to a network of more than 45 technology partners from across the globe.

Ranging from hardware cryptoprocessing to user-privacy, from lightweight encryption to white-box cryptography, here is a selection of our current project projects.

Latest publications

  • Masking the GLP Lattice-Based Signature Scheme at Any Order.
    Gilles Barthe, portrait ofSonia Belaïd, Thomas Espitau, Pierre-Alain Fouque, Benjamin Grégoire, portrait ofMélissa Rossi, Mehdi Tibouchi.
    In J. Cryptol., 2024.
  • Building MPCitH-Based Signatures from MQ, MinRank, and Rank SD.
    In ACNS (1) 2024, pp. 403-431, 2024. Best Student Paper Award
  • High Order Side-Channel Security for Elliptic-Curve Implementations.
    In IACR Trans. Cryptogr. Hardw. Embed. Syst., 2023.
  • Shared permutation for syndrome decoding: new zero-knowledge protocol and code-based signature.
    In Des. Codes Cryptogr., 2023.

Academic Involvements

Program Chairs and Committees

CryptoExperts' team strongly supports the quality of the cryptographic research and has been involved in many program committees, including as program chairs.

Conferences & Workshops Organizations

CryptoExperts' team has also benevolently organized several conferences and workshops.


CryptoExperts is proud to sponsor several conferences in cryptography:


portrait of

Dr. Pascal Paillier

  • Asiacrypt 2005 Best Paper Award
portrait of

Dr. Matthieu Rivain

  • CHES 2008 Best Paper Award
  • CHES 2007 Best Paper Award
portrait of

Dr. Sonia Belaïd

  • Thales PhD prize 2016
  • Usine Nouvelle and Industrie & Technologies Research engineer of the year award 2016
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Dr. Thibauld Feneuil

  • ACNS 2024 Best Student Paper Award
portrait of

Prof. Louis Goubin

  • CHES 2010 Best Paper Award


ISO/IEC SC 27 is the arena where international crypto standards are conceived. We work within ISO for a world that offers better security and better privacy to the global industry, gov-related institutions and above all, to users.

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