Workshop on Implementation: Security and Evaluation

September 2015, Paris, France

WISE 2015 is a one-day workshop organized by CryptoExperts that will take place in Paris, France, on Friday 11 September 2015. Its goal is to publicly discuss the security and evaluation of cryptographic implementations.

Organized by

Workshop focus

On behalf of the ECRYPT CSA european initiative, CryptoExperts organizes a workshop on the security of cryptographic implementations. The workshop will be held on September 11, 2015 in the heart of Paris, two days before CHES, with a scientific program centered around the following themes:

  • attack models and evaluation methodologies,
  • present and future certification schemes and standardization,
  • implementation security proofs and their automatization.

The workshop will be composed of invited presentations as well as a discussion panel aiming at building a vision of the current trends in the field and their expected evolutions in the future. The security of cryptographic implementations is a key topic in Europe, with both scientific and economic impacts. The purpose of this ECRYPT CSA workshop is to consult the academic, industrial and gov-related scientific communities to build the future european research roadmap in this strategic area.


This workshop is part of the EU Horizon 2020 ECRYPT-CSA project.

Funding from the ECRYPT-CSA European project allows free registration until the early-registration deadline. Registration is mandatory.

Registration is free but mandatory
(please register before August 31 2015)

Register Now

Speakers & Panel Members



The workshop will include three sessions with six talks, and a panel hosted by Pascal Paillier (CryptoExperts).


Session 1: Evaluation methodology

9:10 - Emmanuel Prouff (ANSSI) - Security assessment for designers and evaluators.

10:05 - To­bi­as Schnei­der (Ruhr-University Bochum) - Leakage assessment methodology - a clear roadmap for side-channel evaluations. [slides]

Coffee Break

Session 2: Certification & standardization

11:15 - Hugues Thiebeauld (eShard) - Walking through the attack rating methodology to manage the trust. [slides]

12:10 - Sylvain Guilley (Telecom ParisTech & SecureIC) - State-of-the-art of international standardisation of side-channel analysis test methodologies and calibration of acquisition tools. [slides]


Session 3: Profiling & automated proofs

14:00 - Elisabeth Oswald (University of Bristol) - Making the most of leakage.

14:55 - François Dupressoir (IMDEA) - Computer-aided cryptographic proofs for low-level implementations. [slides]

Coffee Break

Discussion panel: What shall the future hold?

Hosted by Pascal Paillier (CryptoExperts)

Sylvain Guilley (Telecom ParisTech & SecureIC)

Elisabeth Oswald (University of Bristol)

Emmanuel Prouff (ANSSI)

François-Xavier Standaert (UCL)

Hugues Thiebeauld (eShard)

End of the workshop


Workshop Will Be Held At

Institut Henri Poincaré

11 Rue Pierre et Marie Curie, 75005 Paris, France.